We build bridges between companies and customers

AI is revolutionizing industries by automating repetitive tasks and processes. This boosts productivity, reduces human error, and increases efficiency in various domains such as manufacturing, customer service, finance, and logistics.

Together We are Strong


In the vast realm of technological advancements, no entity stands alone. Our strength at Globose Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd is derived from the harmonious amalgamation of diverse talents, insights, and aspirations. We are more than just a company; we are a vibrant community, bound together by a shared passion for innovation and excellence. Our belief is that every individual, be it a team member, client, or partner, brings a unique perspective and value to the table. These individual threads, when woven together, create the resilient fabric of our organization. Our journey is marked by continuous learning, embracing challenges, and celebrating each other’s successes. We encourage open dialogue, fostering an environment where ideas flourish, creativity is nurtured, and breakthroughs are a daily occurrence. With unity as our guiding principle, we remain steadfast in our commitment to building a future where every endeavor is a collaborative triumph.

Our Mission


At the very core of gts is an unwavering drive to pioneer AI solutions that stand as beacons of excellence and innovation. We recognize the transformative power of data and are dedicated to harnessing it to fuel the AI-driven future. Our mission extends beyond just data collection; it’s about molding data into meaningful insights, delivering tangible results, and driving impactful change. With a robust human-in-the-loop platform, an array of proven methodologies, and a team brimming with expertise, we aim to assist businesses in their AI journey. Whether it’s creating fresh datasets from scratch, licensing existing ones, or metamorphosing raw, unstructured data into actionable training sets, our goal remains clear: to propel companies to the pinnacle of their AI aspirations, ensuring they stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.

Our Vision


Looking ahead, we envision gts as a luminary in the AI data ecosystem. Our two-sided AI data marketplace & platform is not just a service; it’s a beacon for the world of tomorrow, illuminating the path toward a harmonious blend of technology and humanity. We dream of a future where challenges are mere stepping stones, leading to groundbreaking solutions that have a lasting impact on society. With every dataset we curate, every solution we offer, and every partnership we forge, our vision is to shape a world where AI not only complements human potential but elevates it, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits all. Through relentless dedication, innovation, and collaboration, gts seeks to redefine the boundaries of what’s possible, always pushing towards a horizon where technology enriches every facet of human life.

Global Reach

Our services offer extensive global data acquisition from many countries. This diverse data reflects various cultures and enhances AI systems' understanding of different cultural contexts, making them globally applicable and improving user experiences.


We boast a wide range of completed projects, providing rich data for sophisticated AI model training. Our diverse project experience covers multiple domains, forming a robust data backbone for developing versatile, accurate, and client-specific AI systems.

Language Support

Recognizing the importance of language in communication, we support over 200 languages. This broad linguistic coverage ensures our AI systems are globally effective, understanding and interacting seamlessly with users from various linguistic backgrounds.

Meet Our
Amazing Team

  • GTS


    Founder / CTO

  • GTS



  • GTS


    Co-Founder / Technical Lead

  • GTS


    Co-Founder / Technical Lead

  • GTS


    VP Sales

  • GTS


    Business Development Manager (UK)

  • GTS


    QA Lead

  • GTS


    Senior Project Manager

  • GTS


    Project Manager

  • GTS


    Digital Marketer

  • GTS


    Director HR

  • GTS


    HR Manager

  • GTS


    BD Associate Australia

  • GTS


    Data Engineer

Our Blogs

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    Exploring Face Image Datasets: Insights and Ethics

    In the ever-evolving world of technology, face image datasets have emerged as a cornerstone for advancements in facia

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    Unlocking the Potential: Why ML Datasets for Computer Vision Are Crucial

    In the domain of artificial intelligence (AI), datasets for machine learning (ML) play a crucial role in training. An

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    Enhancing AI & ML Models with Advanced Video Transcription Services: A Comprehensive Guide

    In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the ability to process and a

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    Speech Transcription: Navigating the Future of Voice Recognition Technology

    In today’s fast-paced world of voice recognition technology, speech transcription emerges as a crucial link bet

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