Characters Contour Segmentation Dataset

Project Overview:


As a leading data collection and annotation company, we successfully executed a project to create a comprehensive dataset for character contour segmentation. This dataset is instrumental in enhancing character recognition, and typography analysis, and aiding in the development of digital font creation tools.


Our project entailed the establishment of a diverse repository of character images from multiple languages and scripts. Each character was meticulously annotated, focusing on the precise contour, which is critical for advanced character recognition applications.

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  • Typography Institutions: We collaborated with typographical institutions and design schools, gaining access to a wide range of font styles and character designs.
  • Open-source Font Libraries: Our team utilized existing font resources to extract character images, ensuring representation from a variety of scripts.
  • User Submissions: We also launched a platform for users to contribute character images, significantly aiding in including rare and indigenous scripts.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Characters Collected and Annotated: 345,000
  • Typography Institutions’ Contributions: 105,000
  • Open-source Libraries: 160,000
  • User Submissions: 80,000

Annotation Process


  1. Contour Segmentation: Our team meticulously segmented the contours of each character, enabling precise boundary identification.
  2. Script and Language Identification: Each character was labeled with its respective script and language.
  3. Font Style Tagging: We included metadata about the font style for each character.

Annotation Metrics

  • Characters with Contour Segmentations: 345,000
  • Script and Language Tags: 345,000
  • Font Style Metadata: 345,000
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Quality Assurance

Segmentation Verification: Automated algorithms were employed to verify the accuracy of contour segmentation.
Metadata Validation: We engaged typographical experts for accurate script, language, and font-style tagging.
User Privacy: We prioritized user privacy by ensuring that submitted character images were free from identifiable information and adhered to privacy standards.

QA Metrics:

  • Segmentation Review Cases: 34,500 (10% of total)
  • Metadata Authenticity Checks: 69,000 (20% random sampling)
  • User Data Privacy Audits: 80,000 (for user submissions)


Our Characters Contour Segmentation Dataset Initiative is a testament to our expertise in data collection and annotation across diverse fields. This project not only furthers our understanding of character design across different scripts but also solidifies our position as a vital contributor to the future of typography, character recognition, and digital design advancements.

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    Quality Data Creation
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    ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified
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    Compliance and Security

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