Human Body Motion Dataset

Project Overview:


In our quest to advance AI technologies, we successfully compiled an extensive and diverse dataset of human-centric videos. This rich resource is designed to enhance AI capabilities in crucial areas such as facial recognition, behavioral analysis, activity recognition, and human-environment interaction.


Our team diligently gathered videos encapsulating a wide range of human experiences. This collection showcases diverse demographics, activities, environments, and emotional expressions, providing a comprehensive perspective of human life.

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  • Public Areas: We partnered with city councils to include footage from vibrant public spaces, adhering to strict privacy guidelines.
  • Educational Institutions: We collaborated with educational bodies to obtain videos from academic environments, offering unique insights into educational dynamics.
  • Events: Our collection features a variety of events, from cultural festivals to sports, capturing the essence of human celebrations and gatherings.
  • Volunteer Submissions: We also launched a volunteer-driven initiative, gathering videos under stringent privacy measures and clear consent protocols.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Public Areas: 35,000
  • Educational Footage: 25,000
  • Event Recordings: 30,000
  • Volunteer Contributions: 40,000

Annotation Process


  1. Demographic Data: Information on age group, gender, and ethnicity.
  2. Activity Annotation: Categorization based on observed activities.
  3. Setting & Context: Tags describing the environment and context.

Annotation Metrics

  • Demographic Annotations: 130,000
  • Activity Annotations: 130,000
  • Setting Tags: 130,000
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Quality Assurance

Video Quality Review: We ensured high standards in video clarity and resolution.
Privacy Protocols: We rigorously checked each video for privacy adherence, anonymizing or blurring faces as needed.
Metadata Accuracy: We conducted secondary reviews to validate annotation accuracy.

QA Metrics:

  • Videos Requiring Quality Enhancement: 13,000
  • Full-Spectrum Privacy Checks: 130,000
  • Metadata Audit Samples: 26,000


Human Videos Data Collection Initiative has set a new benchmark in the realm of AI-driven human behavioral analysis. By amassing this diverse and rich dataset, we’re paving the way for innovative human-centric AI applications. This project is a testament to our expertise in data collection and annotation across various domains, ready to revolutionize the future of machine learning.

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    Quality Data Creation
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    ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified
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    Compliance and Security

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