Human Videos Data Collection

Project Overview:


Our goal was ambitious: to amass a comprehensive collection of human-centric videos. These videos are crucial in advancing AI technologies in areas such as facial recognition, behavioral analysis, activity recognition, and human-environment interaction.


We embarked on a journey to compile videos encapsulating the diverse spectrum of human life. Our collection spans various demographics, activities, settings, and expressions, ensuring a rich and multifaceted dataset.

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  • Public Areas: We collaborated with city councils to source videos from bustling public spaces, all while maintaining stringent privacy standards.
  • Educational Institutions: Our partnerships with schools and universities allowed us to gather unique footage showcasing human interactions in academic settings.
  • Events: We captured the essence of human gatherings through videos from various events like weddings, sports meets, and cultural festivals.
  • Volunteer Contributions: A specially designed platform enabled volunteers to contribute videos, adhering to strict privacy guidelines and explicit consent protocols.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Videos Collected: 120,000
  • Public Area Footage: 35,000
  • Educational Videos: 25,000
  • Event Footage: 30,000
  • Volunteer Submissions: 30,000

Annotation Process


  1. Demographic Data: Videos are annotated with relevant information such as age group, gender, and ethnicity of the participants.
  2. Activity Annotation: Videos are categorized based on the primary activity observed (e.g., dancing, conversing, studying, playing).
  3. Setting & Context: Videos are tagged with descriptors of the environment (indoors, outdoors, urban, rural) and other contextual details.

Annotation Metrics

  • Demographic Annotations: 120,000
  • Activity Annotations: 120,000
  • Setting Tags: 120,000
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Quality Assurance

Video Quality Review: A dedicated team ensures that the videos maintain a standard of clarity, stability, and resolution.
Privacy Protocols: Rigorous checks are implemented to ensure no private or identifiable information is inadvertently captured. Faces in public spaces are blurred or anonymized unless explicit permission is obtained.
Metadata Accuracy: A subset of videos undergoes a secondary review to confirm the accuracy of annotations.

QA Metrics

  • Videos Enhanced for Quality: 12,000
  • Full-Spectrum Privacy Checks: 120,000
  • Metadata Audit Samples: 24,000


Through the Human Videos Data Collection Initiative, We has significantly contributed to the evolution of human-centric AI applications. With our extensive dataset, meticulous annotation process, and unwavering commitment to privacy and quality, we are setting new standards in AI data collection and annotation.

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    Quality Data Creation
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    ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified
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    Compliance and Security

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