Object Detection in Industrial Inspections

Project Overview:


Our goal was to curate a robust dataset to fuel an advanced object detection system. This system is designed to transform how industries detect defects in machinery and product lines, boosting both efficiency and accuracy.


We embarked on an ambitious journey to design and amass a machine learning dataset. This dataset focuses on identifying anomalies and manufacturing defects in industrial settings, using high-resolution images of machinery and equipment.

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  • Industrial Collaborations: We partnered with various industries to gather over 150,000 high-resolution images of machinery and products.
  • Simulated Scenarios: To enhance the diversity of our dataset, we created a controlled environment, adding 40,000 images of simulated defects.
  • Public Resources: We supplemented our collection with 10,000 annotated images from public databases, ensuring a comprehensive dataset.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images: 200,000
  • From Industrial Partnerships: 150,000
  • Simulated Environment: 40,000
  • Public Databases: 10,000

Annotation Process


  1. Defect Identification: We marked defects with precise bounding boxes, classifying them into categories like cracks, rust, and deformities.
  2. Contextual Metadata: Each image was enriched with details like machinery type and inspection date, offering valuable context.
  3. Severity Assessment: We assigned a severity score to each defect, aiding in prioritized maintenance decisions.

Annotation Metrics

  • Images with Defect Annotations: 200,000
  • Logged: 200,000
  • Severity Ratings Assigned: 200,000
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Quality Assurance

Continuous Model Evaluation: Monitor the model’s performance regularly and retrain with new data to maintain high accuracy.

Privacy Protocols: Ensure no sensitive company or proprietary data is included in the dataset. All images used for training should be generic and devoid of specific brand markings.

Feedback Mechanism: Allow on-ground industrial inspectors to provide feedback on model detections, ensuring the model remains relevant and effective.

QA Metrics:

  • Model Accuracy on Test Data: 98.5%
  • Detection Speed: 25 ms per frame
  • False Positive Rate: 0.5%


The implementation of the object detection system for industrial inspections has revolutionized the way industries maintain quality and machinery health. The AI-driven approach not only enhances accuracy but also speeds up the inspection process, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum operational efficiency.

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    Quality Data Creation
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    ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified
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    Compliance and Security

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