Video Analysis for Sports Performance

Project Overview:


The objective of this project is to create a comprehensive dataset of video clips for sports performance analysis. This dataset will be instrumental in training machine learning models for real-time sports analytics, improving athlete performance, and enhancing coaching strategies


The project entails collecting video footage from various sports events and practices, and subsequently annotating key events and actions to provide valuable insights for sports performance analysis.

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  • Sports Events: Collaborating with sports organizations and leagues to access video feeds from official sports events, such as games, matches, and tournaments.
  • Training Sessions: Partnering with sports teams and trainers to obtain video footage from training sessions and practices.
  • Public Databases: Leveraging publicly available video datasets from sports events, if accessible.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Video Clips: 15,000 clips
  • Sports Events: 10,000
  • Training Sessions: 3,000
  • Public Databases: 2,000 (if available)

Annotation Process


  1. Event Annotation: Annotating each video clip with labels indicating significant events and actions in the sport, such as goals, touchdowns, strikeouts, and successful plays.
  2. Player Identification: Identifying and tagging individual players within video frames.
  3. Timestamp and Location: Logging metadata including timestamps of key events and the location where the video was captured, such as stadium or training facility.

Annotation Metrics

  • Video Clips with Event Annotations: 15,000
  • Player Identification Tags: 15,000
  • Timestamp and Location Metadata: 15,000
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Quality Assurance

Annotation Verification:Implementing a validation process involving sports experts to review and verify the accuracy of event annotations and player identifications.
Privacy Compliance:Ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, especially when capturing training sessions or practices, and safeguarding the identity of individuals appearing in the footage.
Data Security:Implementing robust data security measures to protect sensitive information and maintain the integrity of the dataset.

QA Metrics:

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 1,500 (10% of total)
  • Privacy Audits: Ongoing to ensure compliance


The Sports Performance Analysis Video Dataset represents a valuable resource for sports analytics, athlete performance enhancement, and coaching strategies. With a diverse collection of video clips, accurate event annotations, player identifications, and strict privacy and security compliance, this dataset serves as a critical tool for developing advanced sports analytics models and improving the overall understanding of sports performance.

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    Quality Data Creation
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    ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified
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    Compliance and Security

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