Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset

Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset

Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset
Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset
Use Case
Computer Vision
Explore the Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset from Globose Technology Solutions. Designed for AI and machine learning, our dataset includes diverse.

Human Crowd Dynamics Dataset

This dataset is designed for the development, training, and evaluation of machine learning algorithms and computer vision models focused on detecting and analyzing human crowds in diverse environments. It includes high-resolution images and videos captured in various settings like urban areas, events, and public spaces to help AI systems learn crowd density estimation, movement patterns, and behavior analysis.

Data Types:

  • Images and videos of crowded scenes
  • Annotations include bounding boxes, crowd density maps, and individual count

Applications: Public safety, urban planning, event management, and surveillance systems

Collection Method:

  • Drone and CCTV footage from multiple locations and events
  • Volunteer-submitted images and videos from public domains

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