GTS ADAS Annotation Services: Excellence in Automotive AI

At GTS, we are pioneers in ADAS Annotation Services, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of automotive AI. Our skilled team meticulously labels road environments down to the last detail, so your self-driving AI gets the rich, real-world data it needs to learn. Leveraging advanced ADAS-specific tools, our annotations are not just accurate; they're transformative. Choose GTS and elevate your AI-powered automotive safety capabilities.

90+ Countries
280+ Projects

Image and Video
Annotation Services

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    LIDAR Annotation

    Harness the power of LIDAR with GTS. We specialize in labeling images or videos offering a complete 360-degree perspective, obtained from high-resolution cameras. Our expertise ensures the creation of high-fidelity, ground truth datasets instrumental for fine-tuning autonomous vehicle algorithms.

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    Bounding Boxes Annotation

    Navigate the world of object recognition with precision. At GTS, our adept annotators employ the bounding box technique to accurately map objects in images or videos. This facilitates machine learning models in both object identification and precise localization.

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    Polygon Annotation

    Experience the precision of polygon annotations with GTS. By meticulously plotting points on the exact edges of objects—whether it's the edge of a road, a broken lane, or the end of a lane—our experts ensure annotations that truly represent object shapes, regardless of their complexity.

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    Semantic Segmentation Annotation

    Dive deep into detailed image analysis with our semantic segmentation technique. Every single pixel in an image or video is annotated and categorized with the essential information. This granular approach ensures each segment is distinctly recognized by computer vision algorithms, empowering them to differentiate and analyze intricate scenes.

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    Object Tracking Annotation

    Step into the realm of dynamic object detection with GTS. We facilitate the auto-detection of semantic objects across various classes in digital images and videos. From face detection to pedestrian monitoring, our annotation ensures that your AI system recognizes and tracks objects seamlessly in real-time scenarios.

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    Lane Annotation Services

    At GTS, we specialize in accurately identifying and annotating various lane markings, from solid to broken lines and beyond. Our expertise ensures AI models are trained effectively to recognize and respond to all road lane directives. Rely on GTS for precise lane marking annotations, paving the way for safer driving.

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How it works?

  • 1

    Talk To a GTS Project Manager

  • 2

    Share Guidelines

  • 3

    Initial Setup

  • 4

    Sample Data

  • 5

    Client Feedback

If Changes Required
  • 9

    Export Results

  • 8

    Production Run

  • 7

    Upload Complete Data

  • 6

    Review Initial results

GTS Responsibility
Client Responsibility


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    Automotive Manufacturing

    Manufacturers of cars, trucks, and other vehicles integrate ADAS features such as lane departure warning, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking. Annotation services are needed to label data from cameras, LiDAR, and radar sensors for training machine learning models that power these features.

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    Autonomous Vehicle Development

    Companies focusing on fully autonomous or self-driving vehicles require extensive annotation services to interpret and understand the vehicle’s surroundings accurately. This includes labeling objects, pedestrians, traffic signs, and lane markings.

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    Traffic Management and Urban Planning

    Organizations involved in traffic management and urban planning may use ADAS data to analyze traffic patterns, optimize traffic flow, and improve road safety. Annotation services can help in labeling traffic-related data for analysis and simulation purposes.

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    Fleet Management

    Companies managing large fleets of vehicles, such as logistics and delivery services, may use ADAS features to monitor driver behavior, prevent accidents, and reduce fuel consumption. Annotation services are needed to process data collected from vehicle sensors.

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    The insurance industry can use annotated ADAS data to assess driver risk, determine liability in accidents, and develop usage-based insurance models.

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    Research and Development

    Academic and research institutions working on vehicular technology, machine learning, and computer vision may require annotation services for their studies on ADAS and autonomous driving.

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We are an ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 certified IT
enabled AI dataset provider.

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Requirement With Us

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